Motivational Monday - The Joy In The Struggle
Sep 09, 2024
Motivational Monday – The Joy in the Struggle
As Coach Prime, Deion Sanders, famously said, "I don't have bad days... I might have a bad moment, maybe a bad hour, but never a bad day because I set my own thermostat." These words are more than just motivation—they’re a powerful mindset shift. Life will always throw curveballs, but how we choose to respond makes all the difference. It's about setting your own internal temperature, deciding how you will react to adversity, and maintaining control over your emotional state. Even when the world around you tries to bring you down, your thermostat—your mindset—determines how high you rise.
One of the key ways Coach Prime lives by this philosophy is through his 3 Ws: Want it, Work it, Win it. Success is never just handed to you. Instead, it's a series of intentional steps, each built on the foundation of desire, effort, and execution. Here’s how you can apply these principles to your own life:
Want It: It all starts with a burning desire. If you don’t deeply want something, you won’t have the motivation to chase after it with everything you have. Whether it's your career, fitness, or personal goals, passion is the fuel that keeps you going when things get tough.
Work It: Once you know what you want, the next step is to work relentlessly toward it. Consistent, focused action is what turns dreams into reality. No shortcuts, no excuses—just grit and determination. Remember, every small effort you put in today gets you closer to the life you envision.
Win It: The final piece of the puzzle is persistence. Winning is not just about reaching the goal but enduring through challenges with the right mindset. True victory comes to those who don’t quit when things get hard but push through and learn from the journey. Success isn’t always immediate, but it’s inevitable when you refuse to give up.
The Power of Endurance – My Own Challenge
Recently, I injured my lower back over the weekend. It could’ve been the perfect excuse to stall my progress. Pain has a way of derailing even the best of plans, and it would have been easy to let it get me down. But as I reflected on my latest video about enduring struggles with joy, I realized this injury was just another opportunity for growth.
Instead of letting the discomfort sideline me, I’ve chosen to see it as a lesson. Life constantly tests our resolve, but I endure because I know people look up to me—especially my two daughters. They are always watching how I handle life's ups and downs. If I quit when things get tough, what example am I setting for them? They need to see strength, resilience, and the joy that can be found in pushing through adversity.
Beyond setting an example for them, I endure because I hold myself to a high standard. I believe in leading by example, not just for others but for myself. Every struggle I face becomes an opportunity to remind myself that setbacks don’t define my progress. Even though my back injury could have been a roadblock, I turned it into motivation to push forward with even more intention. That’s the essence of growth: knowing that every challenge brings enlightenment if we approach it with the right mindset.
Joy in the Struggle
It’s easy to embrace joy when things are going well, but real growth happens when you learn to find joy in the struggle. Whether it’s a physical injury, a business challenge, or a personal setback, it’s our ability to persist through difficulty that defines our success. I’ve learned that the key isn’t avoiding hardship but embracing it. Each challenge, like my injury, offers a chance to grow stronger, more resilient, and more committed to my purpose.
In moments of pain or discomfort, it’s crucial to remember that we’re not only fighting for our own progress but for those who look up to us. My daughters, my audience, and even my inner self expect me to rise above challenges and keep moving forward. This injury has reminded me that, no matter how tough the struggle, the reward is always greater when you push through with joy and purpose.
As Coach Prime says, set your own thermostat. When you decide how you respond to adversity, the world no longer controls your mood, progress, or success. Instead of letting struggles define you, let them refine you. Every moment of hardship is a stepping stone toward the life you want.
#MotivationalMonday #CoachPrime #JoyInTheStruggle #Resilience #GrowthMindset #NoBadDays #Endure #PushThrough #StrengthInAdversity #SetYourThermostat #WinIt #Persist #EntrepreneurMindset #LeadByExample @deionsanders
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