Find Purpose. Find Life.

I've been teaching people to live life on purposev for 20 years. The tools I've developed have succesfully been applied throughout the globe.

I've turned these tools into a book like no other. It's really a collection of wisdom. 

I'm so confident this book will change your life that I am willing to let you decide the value you put into it. Keep reading, I have something amazing for you.



 Why is it important to pay careful attention to what we're doing?

The Purpose crisis is the worst pandemic we have ever faced as a society. It's been assolating us for thousands of years. I believe that if we truly find our purpose, we can shift the crisis and transform our world. Literally. 

You can join us on this challenge to change humanity, one person at a time by joining our community. Just click the button below.  


Let me tell you a brief story


My journey started in 2003. I was nearly 20 years old.

I was brought up in a good home, but for some reason I rebelled against my own father and at the age of 17, I had attempted against his life, and because of that, I had to leave his house and it was during this time that God found me. It was literally a miracle and as much as I would love to tell you all the details, I will leave this story for another time. You will definetely find snippets of it within our community.

Once I had my God encounter, I was heavily involved with our church. It was there, back in the old baptist church, during my profession of faith on my baptism day, that I professed words that would shape my destiny. When I was asked what I wanted to do for God's kingdom, I spoke boldly the following words, not even knowing what they actually meant: "I want to preach the Gospel, make disciples and plant churches". As you can imagine, the congregation that barely knew me at the time was a bit shocked.

Well, fast forward 20 years, a lot of things happened. I got married to my beautiful wife Nalini and we have been married ever since. We have 2 wonderful daughters, and we have lived the best of adventures together. Soon after we got married we moved to New Zealand and there I experienced the start of our ministry. I went to seminary in New Zealand, had a few chances to make disciples, plant a church, help another church, make more disciples, until we moved to Australia after 8 years in New Zealand. 

In Australia we grew and developed even more. I worked with para-church organizations and little that I knew, God was preparing me and my family for this present moment. The time came for us to be sent back to Brazil to plant another church, which we did for 7 years. What an amazing journey that was! You can find details about the church we planted in Brazil at

When I look back, over the past 20 years, I have been doing exactly what I professed on that baptism day: I've been preaching the gospel, making disciples and planting churches. 

Currently, My family and I live in the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia, we're part of the team in our beloved and amazing church Gold Coast Chapel ( and last but not least, while I run this incredible project online helping people find purpose, I also lead an organization called Full Gospel Apostolic Centre. You can find more about it here: Amidst a lot of our activities, we focus mainly on finding, training and releasing new church planters and we do it through a few programs I coordinate as well as a Bible School we designed to help our students to deeper in the word and higher in God. 

The most wonderful part of all this is: We do it all FREE OF CHARGE. That's right! We don't believe in putting a price tag on anything related to God's kingdom. My team and I are very aware of God's provision and grace in our lives, hence, we do all we do for FREE. And a great part of this being possible is founded in the generosity of people like you, who understand we're trying to preach the gospel online, reach people for God, train more leaders and disciple makers, start new churches and continue to obey his voice. It's a marvellous culmination of my story and I would love to invite you to take part in this story. 

We're not finished! We are just starting! We plan on saturating our spaces online with content that inspires and edifies people, content that focus on helping them find purpose in life and obviously, bless them with God's words. We continue to work hard on finding, training and releasing people into God's kingdom and we don't plan on stopping anytime soon. 


We believe in helpign people and help should have no price tag attached to it. So here is the deal, I will let you choose the value you would like to invest in the book. And as a gift, I will throw in my Masterclass worth more than $4.000 so you can explore the whole journey on me! Click the button below and you can have access to it now. All for FREE! You pick up the book. Everything else is totally FREE.

This is a limited time offer only! You should take advantage of it now!


Join the Philippians and support the movement

If you have seen enough and have understood what we're all about, you would love to join our community. 

Not only we provide a great sense of camraderie between all our members but we are constantly releasing new material to inspire you. 

When you join our community, you will help put fuel in the tank and move us forward in the direction God is leading us. Just click the button below.

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Not everyone is ready to join us on a regular basis and would love the opportunity to make a contribution of any value towards our projects. 

If you're not a member of the community or even if you've been with us for a while and wants to go beyond your regular contributions.

Every specific project we announce will benefit of your generosity and we will make sure to be as diligent with the resources as we possibly can.

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